Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oprah and the Tipping Rumor

I am just going to say this. I am at odds with Ms. Oprah.
She has been a big part of my media world for years. I remember coming home after school and my mom would be watching Oprah. The woman speaks and everyone seems to listen. She could rule this damn world if she wanted to. Agree or not, I don't care.

So this past fall, we heard a rumor that one day on her show she told everyone that they should only tip 10% to their servers if they dine out. That way they can save money since the economy is so bad. Are you serious? I'm here to tell you that Ms. Oprah can shove this 10% bullshit up her ass because it is beyond ignorant. I am a server. I have been serving the public for almost 20 years. Of course, I have had my fair share of drama, good tippers and bad. So now, not only am I struggling to find a teaching position, but I am also a college graduate server that has to deal with this. Screw you messed with the wrong profession.

Do you all know that we only make around $2.00-2.50 an hour? We survive on our tips. That's what pays the bills. Don't get me wrong, if I give you crap service I expect it. In fact, I will tell you to save your money and don't tip me. I did a horrible job for you. I have server balls of steel. I've dealt with everything under the sun. I know how to handle people. I take pride in that. Serving tables this long has enhanced my people skills so much that I can pretty much make anyone happy...or at least smile. I am a damn good server. That might sound silly, but I know I am.

So this whole 10% crap is honestly horse shit. Standard tipping if 15-20%. If you're bill is 100.00 and I bust my butt for you and you leave me $7-10 dollars you can (as I've stated before) screw your dryer. (Thank you Hollis for that fine phrase). You should always take care of your servers. They control your entire dining experience (beside the cooking staff of course). We wait on you hand in foot. Tonight for example, I had a 218.00 tab at one table. They left me $12.00. I almost wanted to give it back to them. 15% would've been $32.00. Are you kidding me? You all might think this is silly but we're talking about my house payment, my car payment, my electric, my gas, food...we are human too. We don't do this because we love it. We do it to pay bills, have a life. Serving got me through college, it has made our home possible. Not many people could deal with the amount of people we do and live to tell about it. Oh...and the stories we have. I once had a table where the infant threw up on my shoes, made a complete mess and I only received $5.00 on a $70.00. can stay home. Then there was the one time I waited hand over foot on a family and they left me a nickle and four pennies and a note that said I wasn't worth a dime! That was a long time ago. I'll never forget it. I chased them out of the parking lot yelling and screaming at them and I threw they money at the dad. Oh yeah...I did that. I didn't deserve that. Nor did i get fired or written up :0

So just promise me that next time you go out to eat, think about what you tip. If you have a great server, tip them well. It will make their day a little brighter. And, heaven forbid, you receive crappy service the next time you go to a place where you tip like crap. And you wonder why you get bad service? WE DON'T FORGET FACES...EVER.

Soapbox stand is over. Peace ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Why I am a NERD...

Dear World,
Here is my latest confession. I am a total nerd. How do you really define that? Nerd...I love science and science fiction. I love adventure and adventure stories. I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (that explains so much). I was, and always will be a dreamer. I am a writer, an avid reader and I love a good story. Did I mention I love technology? I do. I didn't have a lot growing up. Ok...I did if you consider a loving family, friends and a great supply of imagination and books lol! My nose was always stuck in a book. Wuthering Heights and A Catcher in the Rye were my favorites growing up. See...I told you! I love epic movies and I love movie soundtracks and scores (Legends of the Fall ring a bell)?
So what defines being a nerd, or a dork? Seriously people...
I hate stereotypes. They drive me nuts. I am who I am and you can suck my toe if you think otherwise.

I'm's late.
Have a wonderful day, or night, or morning...afternoon. Just enjoy your life.